The Mayor is elected directly by the voters to a four-year term of office.
Why do you want to serve as Mayor?
Deborah Mans
My husband, Marc, and I have lived in Glen Ridge for over 20 years and love this wonderful, caring, civic-minded and engaged community. We have two sons, ages 15 and 12, who both attend Glen Ridge public schools.
I have enjoyed my time serving on the Borough Council and Environmental Advisory Committee and feel that it is important to give back to your community. It is a great privilege to be a part of what makes Glen Ridge so great.
How many Town Council meetings have you attended in the past year?
Deborah Mans
2022 - I attended 20 Council meetings
2023 - I attended 14 Council meetings
What are the most pressing issues facing our town?
Deborah Mans
We need to continue diligent fiscal management of the budget, with the goal of keeping tax increases, if needed, to a minimum. Over the last several years the Borough has engaged in many shared services with neighboring communities and it is important to continue to explore options that reduce our costs, while also maintaining quality services for residents. Inflation, supply chain issues and increased costs for healthcare are drivers of recent budget increases. These are universal issues for many New Jersey municipalities.
Improvements for pedestrian and traffic safety will continue to be a priority. The Borough recently created a traffic safety position within our police department to increase traffic details and provide a focus on this issue. Additionally, physical improvements are being installed throughout the town, such as flashing beacons for crosswalks, more visible roadway markings for walkways and improved sidewalk and crossing designs. The Borough was awarded a $380,000 grant from NJDOT in 2022 for a Safe Routes to School project near the Glen Ridge High School for pedestrian crossing improvements, which we hope is just the beginning of more comprehensive upgrades in the Borough with assistance from the state and county.
What would your goals be as Mayor?
Deborah Mans
If elected as mayor my priorities would include
proactive and responsible fiscal management that continues to provide high-quality services for our residents,
improving pedestrian, cyclist, and traffic safety,
creating an inclusive and welcoming community,
local and regional stormwater management and resilience projects to reduce flooding and improve public safety,
enhancing recreational opportunities, both passive and active, for all our residents, including active participation and increased engagement opportunities for our residents in the design and development of the Essex-Hudson Greenway, and
Promoting environmental and sustainability options for residents through increasing waste reduction opportunities, providing renewable energy choices, reducing energy use and costs through encouraging energy efficiency in our homes and buildings, and replacing lead drinking water service lines.
What skills, experience, and/or background do you have that would apply to this position?
Deborah Mans
In my professional life, I am an attorney and currently have my own consulting firm specializing in government affairs, public engagement, and public policy campaigns. Prior to forming my own company, I was the Deputy Commissioner at the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, ran a nonprofit environmental organization, and worked as an energy and environmental policy advisor in the NJ Governor’s Office. I also have prior experience serving on nonprofit boards and chairing coalitions. I graduated with a B.S. from the University of Michigan and a J.D. from Vermont Law School.
I have relationships with elected and appointed officials at the local, state and federal level and understand government processes at all levels.
I have been endorsed by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters as a candidate in this election.
What qualities do you have that make you a good candidate?
Deborah Mans
I have learned that collaboration and communication are key to working towards solutions. This is important for running a transparent, trusted and effective municipal government. We may not always be perfect, but we should be willing to listen to all views, offer answers and clarity to questions or concerns, explain our decisions, and understand our role to serve the community.
Describe any involvement you've had with any Glen Ridge community or volunteer organizations.
Deborah Mans
I am serving my second three-year term on the Borough Council and am currently the Chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Public Safety Committee. I served as Council President in 2022. I am currently the Borough’s representative on the Second River Joint Meeting Committee and Sustainable Energy Alliance, which seeks lower cost and greener electricity options for residents across several towns.
I have been a member of the Glen Ridge Environmental Advisory Committee for over 15 years. I also served on the Linden Avenue Home and School Association (Box Tops!) and Civic Conference Committee (CCC).
Our family regularly volunteers in town through clean-ups in the Glen and Freeman Garden, assisting at the community garden at Benson Green, and participating in the annual EcoFair.
Describe your platform for this election.
Deborah Mans
Local government impacts so much of our daily lives and it is important to have a local government that works to serve every resident and business. It is critical to provide opportunities for members of our community to better understand and inform our work in the Borough so that we all can have a welcoming, vibrant and caring place to call home.